Monday, February 9, 2009

Wedding dress- Part 3

My pattern arrived in the mail a couple of days ago, and it looks a bit more complicated than I thought it would be. I have never lined a garment, and much less made a cummerbund.

Today I bought some cheap fabric to make my practice dress with. I got about 6 yards, in case I mess it up. It has a pretty, retro looking pattern, but I really wasn't too picky. I just chose something from the sale rack that didn't involve seasonal prints!

I also saw my dream crinoline at a vintage store in the Castro. Puffiness supreme! I hope they still have it when I am not so broke, and I actually have a dress to put it under. My goal is to look like a cross between a ballerina, and an upside down cupcake.


i love svet said...

how cute does that sound :)

Sally said...

I think your dress will be perfect! I can try and help you if you need help :)